HacDC Amateur Radio Club mentors and helps license new amateur radio operators in Malawi and Uganda. QRV now are: Abraham Moyo 7Q4AM, Urgent Jere 7Q6UJ, Blessings Msimuko 7Q5BM, and Arnold Chawinga 7Q8AC. Two others are waiting for their callsigns.
In memory of Jeffrey Dahn, KB3ZUK (SK-pictured above), past President of HacDC Amateur Radio Club, the Jeffrey Dahn Learning Center will open in the village of Embangweni, Malawi, in late 2024.
The center will teach young people amateur radio, STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts, math), film production, editing, and English. Beginning next year, the center will have its own nonprofit organization. Please support it by donating.